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Proposal for a railway reform in Sierra Leone


Address: 7th Floor, Youyi Building, Freetown.

My name is Adam Fularz, I am a transport economist. I propose to construct a 2 kilometers long rail line in the city centre of Makeni, to connect to the existing line Makeni- Pepel. A new passenger train service, TER- transport express regional, would be introduced from Pepel through Port Loko to Makeni. 

In the future, a nebranch line to Lunsar city centre would be opened, for suburban services Makeni- Lunsar city centre. 

Current state

There are 84 kilometres of railway in Sierra Leone, all of which is private and of a narrow gauge, 1,067 mm (3 ft 6 in).
Sierra Leone's rail traffic is limited to a currently closed (as of March 2020) private network of 120 kilometers in length. Sierra Leone has had no public rail network since 1974.

The line operated between 1933 and 1975 by the Sierra Leone Development Corporation Railway in Cape Gauge (1067 mm) from Marampa to the industrial port of Pepel was used again from 2011 to 2015.  It is 74 kilometers long. It has been renewed by the mining company African Minerals since 2009 and extended by 126 kilometers.


I propose that the Sierra Leone government would construct a 2 kilometers section from this line to Makeni city centre. A suburban rail service would be operated from Makeni city centre to Pepel, using the existing rail line an a new section of track to Makeni city centre. This small investment would allow to restore rail services around Makeni and in Sierra Leone.

Adam Fularz

Posted by Telewizja Opera on 03:15. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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