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Proposal for the Zadar Tramway

Subject: Proposal for a new suburban railway system for Zadar based on "Split Metro"

Proposal for a refurbished or new suburban railway system for Zadar based on "Splitski Metro"
Grad Zadar

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Other countries have "metro" in their coastal cities, and- what about Zadar? I propose something based on the same idea as in the nearby town of Split. 
In the same way, the existing railway network would be used to create a system called "Tramway Zadar", with a service on the route: Bibinije, near road bridge - Bibinje kolodvor- Zadar kolodovor (new station to be built maybe closer to the "city centre") with lots of new intermediate stops (map attached).  A new section of track in the city centre is possible and proposed. A line to Sukosan could be also used- tracks are there. a new terminus station could be constructed here, maybe ending the line closer to the centre.

As most of the proposed route already exists, I propose a frequency of 30 minutes in the morning and in the afternoon only. I do not see much technical obstacles in introducing such a dense schedule on mostly single- tracked railway lines. They would be using booth tracks on the 2-or 3-km long rail section where the rail track is laid parallelly, so that a section of double-tracked rail line will emerge in the centre of Zadar, to the Gazenicka Cesta to the to the end of Zadar kolodvor. New signalling and more junctions would be installed to care for the increased capacities, existing tracks that lie parallel would be used to create sections of double track railway. In the end, most of the line would be double- tracked. The parallel Gazenica branch lines would be upgraded as a second track to increase capacities with new train stops constructed to serve new neighborhoods as well as a new station closer to Zadar city centre could emerge. In the second stage of investments, the suburban railway could reach Zadar city centre with a new line or a new stop in the dense city centre. 

I think that Zadar should also have a Zadar tramway based on the Split idea of "Splitski Metro" with a tunnel in the centre of Zadar. A section of double- track with new signalling work should be created as the trunk line. It is mostly the cost of new stops, junctions and extra signalling that needs to be paid, to have the system ready for use, given the tracks are already there.
Adam Fularz
editor, economist
Dolina ZIelona 24a,
65-1254 Zielona Góra PL



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