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Proposed Airport Rail Link for Zielona Gora in Poland

There is a disused airport rail link in Zielona Gora, Poland- in fact the exact place is Nowe Kramsko (Neu Kramzig near Babimost). Regional authorities issued recently a declaration about the airport link

The problem is that a disused rail line already exists but it ends up approx. 1,5 to 2 kilometers next to the passenger terminal. However, regional authorities are a bit weird and have planned a completely new line. I would rather wish that the old rail line would be repaired as the costs would be much lower. Passengers could walk the remaining distance. I do not know it that would work but it would be in my opinion better than no rail link at all.

The airport is small, but it is located near Berlin. The distance from Nowe Kramsko to Berlin is about 140 km or less. The problem is that locally, in Zielona Gora, no one really knows how to well plan such a connection. Maybe, it is the reason for which the plans did not materialise for the last 20 or 10 years. 

The airport is unrentable, there is only 1 pair of connections daily, for the last 60 years I have calculated the subsidies, construction costs and other financial support to come to the amount of PLN 1 billion approximatelly. The region is poor and it should make money with the airport given the short distance to Berlin.

S-bahn Frankfurt (Oder) was an idea that was promoted some 3 years ago. It was a project of a metropolitan railway system in Frankfurt an der Oder, that should connect the city of Frankfurt (Oder) with its Polish suburbs, stretching further east to reach the now defunct train station at the "Zielona Góra Babimost Airport", that is a disused airport on the Polish side of Frankfurt an der Oder.

Existing train station at the airport near Berlin - Frankfurt (Oder) 

Plans for the new track to the terminal

Future plan for travel time reduction- a bypass near the airport, not needed in the 1st stage.

Other plans:



Merkuriusz  Polski


Agencja Prasowa. W Krakowie od 3 stycznia 1661 r.

Adam Fularz, manager Radiotelewizji

Prezes Zarządu, WIECZORNA.PL SP. Z O. O.,ul. Dolina Zielona 24A,   65-154 Zielona Góra

Wydawnictwo Merkuriusz Polski
"Wieczorna.pl" sp. z o.o.
T +48604443623
F +442035142037
E adam.fularz@wieczorna.pl
Dolina Zielona 24a, PL 65-154 Zielona Góra
KRS 0000416514, NIP 9731008676, REGON 081032764

AGENCJA PRASOWA MERKURIUSZ POLSKI- Wieści i treści od 3 stycznia 1661


Każdego dnia Agencja Merkuriusz udostępnia kilka materiałów prasowych ze wszystkich regionów Polski. Dotyczą one najważniejszych wydarzeń w skali kraju, różnych dziedzin życia. Stanowi źródło informacji dla redakcji prasowych.


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Posted by Telewizja Opera on 01:22. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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