Petition to Mesto Piešťany and Trnava Region concerning its airport
As the website of Letisko Piestany does not give any electronic contact address, there is not any email address on its website, hereby I petition the following:
Can You apply for funding to extend the runway of Piestany Airport to 2100 meters of length at least, 2500 meters at best, to be able to serve low cost airlines in the future? Do You possess the necessary land / terrain to do so?
Can You please apply for funding to Piestany and Nitra city authorities and regional authorities of Trnava region to extend the runway? If You did it already in the past, can You do it once more?
I come from Poland. In Poland, some airports were built only with local funds only, with no use of EU fundes or central governement money. The same might happen in Piestany. No central governement money is neccessary.
There is no airport in Nitra, but there are big airports in proximity. You should use the chance that there are big airports in the vicinity. It is not a threat, BUT FOREMOST- IT IS A BIG CHANCE.. You should change the name of the airport for a better one, to grab the chance.
But, given Your case, I would say that funds should rather go for runway expansion only, so that thew airport would have any economic future. As nowadays STOL-airports such as Yours face difficulties around the world, You should urgently fight to survive. Because such length of runway may cause that the airport will face very sad future...
What I have read and disagree that it is a threat only"
"Chair of the board of the Letisko Piešťany company, Remo Cicutto, sees competition of Bratislava and Vienna-Schwechat airports behind the weak interest in Piešťany." [1]
No, competition is also a cjhance. Please, take the business model of low-cost-airport, change name for "Vienna-Bratislava-Nitra" for example, and check then, if there will be no change in performance. I attach data below, that such change does take place if You drop the less popular name for something more popular:
2014 2447140 19103
2013 2667529 25065
2012 2791195 30015
2011 2894109 32923
2010 3463571 37081
2009 3743281 38970
2008 3909862 40586
2007 3955661 40980
2006 3525359 39610
2005 3001898 37283
2004 2744550 31484
2003 2407911 31092 ------------------------------
2002 1451530 25564
2001 438486 22912
2000 380281 23332
1999 140706 19632
1998 32040 10064
1997 19026 7440
2003 207.992 -----------------------------
Some informations form Wikipedia:
The airport has undergone several name changes in its history as a civil airport. The operators originally wanted to name it after the city of Düsseldorf, but the significant distance of 70 km (43 mi) to that city, which already had two closer international airports (the actual Düsseldorf Airport as well as Cologne Bonn Airport), resulted in the name being blocked by a court ruling that it was likely to mislead passengers. However, Ryanair still refers to it as "Düsseldorf-Weeze". The airport actually serves better the closer Dutch cities of Venlo, Nijmegen and Arnhem, the German city of Duisburg and the immediate Weeze area than Düsseldorf.
Er hat nach Ende der militärischen Nutzung im Jahr 1999 mehrfach den Namen gewechselt und hieß zunächst Flughafen Niederrhein, wird aber schon seit 2003 von Ryanair unter der Bezeichnung Flughafen Düsseldorf (Weeze)vermarktet. Nachdem andere Namensvarianten, die die Nähe zum rund 70 Kilometer entfernten Düsseldorf betonen sollten, gerichtlich verboten wurden, nennt sich der Flughafen seit 2005 nur noch Airport Weeze. Ryanair wurde gleichzeitig aber erlaubt, den Flughafen weiter unter Düsseldorf (Weeze) zu vermarkten, muss dabei jedoch stets die Erläuterung „ca. 70 Kilometer von Düsseldorf" als Fußnote hinzufügen.
Merkuriusz Polski
Agencja Prasowa. W Krakowie od 3 stycznia 1661 r.
Prezes Zarządu, SP. Z O. O.,ul. Dolina Zielona 24A, 65-154 Zielona Góra
Wydawnictwo Merkuriusz Polski
"" sp. z o.o.
T +48604443623
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AGENCJA PRASOWA MERKURIUSZ POLSKI- Wieści i treści od 3 stycznia 1661
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