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Półwysep Helski bez samochdów- Make the Hell car-free

Proposal to European Union 
Margaritis Schinas 
European Commission
 Chief Spokesperson

Wieczorna.pl Helska

to: European Comission

Hereby I propose to make the Hell peninsula completely car-free. The existing bus line "666" could circulate every ten minutes. Cars could pay a toll to drive into the peninsula. The traffic is very congested in summer season, and as the peninsula is not very wide, it is the best place in Europe to make it completely car-free.

Description of the peninsula of Hell
The Hell peninsula is the short and narrow strip of land across the Danziger Bay, on the other side of the city of Danzig (Gdansk). Historically, the area is believed to be the place of ancient worship of the gods of the underworld already in the ancient times, and linguists have been researching the written history of the peninsula to find may hints to this interpretation. The area was christianised already in the 10th century. 

There is only one airport on the peninsula, as the stripe of land is very, very narrow on most of its length, and the rest of the land is occupied by military buildings.

In summer it is a popular destination, one of the most popular, and the local road system is mostly congested, sometimes it congests completely, as probably there are more cars than the road capacity of the narrow peninsula permits. 

Public transport
Local public transport consist of the bus line "666" connecting Dębki with the city of Hell (in Polish: Hel) being the most important local bus connection, and several other buslines. Connections are mostly very slow- the bus line "666" between Debki and Karwia is so slow, that it takes approx. 40 minutes by bus, and the walking time is approx. 60-70 minutes, as the roads to the east from the peninsula are in poor condition. Some are "vintage roads", that were Description of the peninsula of Hell
The Hell peninsula is the short and narrow strip of land across the Danziger Bay, on the other side of the city of Danzig (Gdansk). Hitorically, the area is believed to be the place of ancient worship of the gods of the underworld already in the ancient times, and linguists have been researching the written history of the peninsula to find may hints to this interpretation. The area was christianised already in the 10th century. 

There is only one airport on the peninsula, as the stripe of land is very, very narrow on most of its length, and the rest of the land is occupied by military buildings.

In summer it is a popular destination, one of the most popular, and the local road system is mostly congested, sometimes it congests completely, as probably there are more cars than the road capacity of the narrow peninsula permits. 

Public transport
Local public transport consist of the bus line "666" connecting Dębki with the city of Hell (in Polish: Hel) being the most important local bus connection, and several other buslines. Conncetions are mostly very slow- the bus line "666" between Debki and Karwia is so slow, that it takes approx. 40 minutes by bus, and the walking time is approx. 60-70 minutes, as the roads to the east from the peninsula are in poor condition. Some are "vintage roads", that were built before WWII, are paved with granite blocks and should be left in its current state, as they are by no doubt monuments of pre-WWII technology. Some local people protested when one such old road was covered with asphalt in Jastrzębia Góra, a part of Władysławowo.

There exists a rail line that lacks intermediate platforms at the peninsula of Hell, and it plays little role in the seasonal traffic (it could have been turned into S-bahn style service, due to massive demand in summer). Some local rail lines, as the one to Krokowa and Jastrzebia Gora - have been dismantled, creating road congestion in the area. Local roads are completely congested in the high season.

There exists a rail line that lacks intermediate platforms at the peninsula of Hell, and it plays little role in the seasonal traffic (it could have been turned into S-bahn style service, due to massive demand in summer). Some local rail lines, as the one to Krokowa and Jastrzebia Gora - have been dismantled, creating road congestion in the area. Local roads are completely congested in the high season.


Adam Fularz
Wydawnictwo Merkuriusz Polski
"Wieczorna.pl" sp. z o.o.
T +48604443623
E adam.fularz@wieczorna.pl
Dolina Zielona 24a, PL 65-154 Zielona Góra

AGENCJA PRASOWA MERKURIUSZ POLSKI- Wieści i treści od 3 stycznia 1661


Każdego dnia Agencja Merkuriusz udostępnia kilka materiałów prasowych ze wszystkich regionów Polski. Dotyczą one najważniejszych wydarzeń w skali kraju, różnych dziedzin życia. Stanowi źródło informacji dla redakcji prasowych.


Na zamówienie abonenta udostępniamy serwis fotograficzny. Korzystają z niego serwisy internetowe i redakcje prasowe.


Na zamówienie abonenta udostępniamy serwis video. Korzystają z niego stacje telewizyjne.

Adam Fularz
Wydawnictwo Merkuriusz Polski
"Wieczorna.pl" sp. z o.o.
T +48604443623
F +442035142037
E adam.fularz@wieczorna.pl
Dolina Zielona 24a, PL 65-154 Zielona Góra

AGENCJA PRASOWA MERKURIUSZ POLSKI- Wieści i treści od 3 stycznia 1661


Każdego dnia Agencja Merkuriusz udostępnia kilka materiałów prasowych ze wszystkich regionów Polski. Dotyczą one najważniejszych wydarzeń w skali kraju, różnych dziedzin życia. Stanowi źródło informacji dla redakcji prasowych.


Na zamówienie abonenta udostępniamy serwis fotograficzny. Korzystają z niego serwisy internetowe i redakcje prasowe.


Na zamówienie abonenta udostępniamy serwis video. Korzystają z niego stacje telewizyjne.

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