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ALLRail na temat platformy wyszukiwania biletów kolei

There is no need for another 'EU Railscanner'
concept. It has been existing for years!

BRUSSELS, 7th October 2020:
➢ In recent months, many EU stakeholders have called for setting up an 'EU
Railscanner' digital platform, where all available rail options can be found.
➢ There is no need for a 10th impartial digital rail platform. Nine already exist!
➢ Technology is not the problem. EU member states simply need to instruct
their publicly owned, market dominant incumbents to share data with
these platforms that already provide the 'Railscanner'.
In June 2020, 24 European countries agreed to work together on making
international passenger rail more attractive, stating that "rail travellers have
long called for an online platform similar to 'Skyscanner' to be set up, perhaps
by the EU".

1 Then in September 2020, five European climate NGOs complained
that there is still "no publicly accessible platform that shows all existing train
connections in Europe... an online 'One-Stop Shop'".

2 Other EU stakeholders
made similar comments recently. Presumably the German presidency of the EU
Council will soon be publishing an EU Railscanner concept.
But nine such Railscanners already exist (see the list on page 2). They are not
Google, Amazon or Facebook but privately owned independent digital rail ticket
vendors 'Made In Europe" - based in places such as Berlin, Warsaw & Stockholm,
employing digital professionals in the EU. The technology already exists. The
only thing that hinders these nine 'Railscanner' platforms from fulfilling the role
of an impartial 'One-Stop Shop' for rail is the lack of access to data.
ALLRAIL Secretary General Nick Brooks says: "Privately owned start-ups saw the
need for a 'Railscanner' years ago and took the commercial risk to set up such
independent digital rail platforms. The last thing they need is a new EU taxpayer
funded platform that would drive them out of business." He continues "It would
be easy to make rail ticketing less complex & fragmented at no additional
cost. We simply need a strong commitment from the EU Member States to
ensure that publicly owned market dominant rail incumbents share data."

Page 2:

Here are the nine impartial digital 'Railscanners' that already exist:
FromAtoB fromatob.com
Tictactrip tictactrip.eu
All Aboard allaboard.eu
Koleo koleo.pl
Save A Train saveatrain.com
Railtic railtic.com
Happy Rail happyrail.com

Links about us:
• Twitter
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• YouTube channel
• Podcast
• Instagram
ALLRAIL, the Alliance of Passenger Rail New Entrants in Europe, represents
independent passenger rail companies – railway operators and ticket vendors.
ALLRAIL promotes competition in the passenger rail market, aiming for an EU
regulatory environment that encourages innovative & attractive rail services. Our
members share the belief that faster market opening is the only way to help Europe
achieve its ambitious climate change targets as set down in the EU Green Deal.
ALLRAIL was established in May 2017, and is based in Brussels, Belgium. It is also a
member of the Group of Representative Bodies in the EU rail sector. For more
information please go to: www.allrail.eu

For more information please contact:
Nick Brooks, Secretary General

redakcja otrzymała plik elektronicznie, publikuje go bez zwłoki.

Posted by Telewizja Opera on 23:41. Filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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